Topics Registry

The Topics Registry serves as the foundational layer for managing and governing topics within the network. This distributed ledger is responsible for recording the creation, ownership, and transfer of topics.

Core Functionalities

  • Topic Creation: Any entity DPSN tokens can create a new topic with DPSN tokens. Upon creation, the topic's details, including owner, creation time, and associated metadata, are recorded on the registry.

  • Topic Ownership: The Topics Registry maintains a clear record of topic ownership. Ownership can be transferred between entities through on-chain transactions.

  • Topic Metadata: Additional information about a topic, such as description, access controls, and expiration date, can be stored within the registry.

  • Topic Resolution: The registry provides a mechanism for resolving topic names to their corresponding identifiers, enabling efficient routing of messages.

Technical Implementation

The Topics Registry is implemented as a distributed ledger, ensuring transparency, immutability, and auditability. It employs a consensus mechanism to achieve agreement among network participants on the registry's state.

To enhance performance and scalability, the registry can be partitioned into multiple shards, each managing a subset of topics. This approach enables parallel processing of topic-related operations and reduces the load on individual nodes.

Topics Management

Effective management of topics is essential for the smooth operation of the DPSN network. This subsection outlines the key aspects of topic management.

Core Functionalities

  • Topic Creation: The process of creating new topics, including specifying topic name, description, and associated metadata.

  • Topic Modification: The ability to update topic attributes, such as description or access controls.

  • Topic Deletion: The process of removing a topic from the network, considering potential impacts on subscribers and published messages.

  • Topic Lifecycle Management: Oversight of the entire lifecycle of a topic, from creation to deletion.

Technical Implementation

Topic management is implemented through interactions with the Topics Registry. Publishers and authorized administrators can perform topic management operations using the provided APIs or SDKs.

To ensure efficient management, the Topics Registry maintains detailed metadata about each topic, including creation time, owner, access controls, and associated data.

Topics Ownership

Topic ownership is a fundamental concept in the DPSN network. This subsection outlines the principles and mechanisms related to topic ownership.

Core Functionalities

  • Topic Assignment: The process of assigning topic ownership to a specific entity or address.

  • Ownership Transfer: The ability to transfer topic ownership from one entity to another.

  • Ownership Verification: Mechanisms for verifying the ownership of a specific topic.

Technical Implementation

Topic ownership is recorded on the Topics Registry as part of the topic metadata. Ownership transfers are executed through on-chain transactions, ensuring transparency and immutability.

To prevent unauthorized ownership transfers, cryptographic signatures are used to verify the authenticity of ownership transfer requests.

Topics Transfer

Topic transfer enables the exchange of topic ownership between different entities. This subsection outlines the process and considerations for topic transfers.

Core Functionalities

  • Transfer Initiation: The process of initiating a topic transfer from the current owner to a new owner.

  • Transfer Agreement: Establishment of terms and conditions for the topic transfer, including transfer fee, if applicable.

  • Transfer Completion: Finalization of the topic ownership transfer and updating the Topics Registry.

Technical Implementation

Topic transfers are executed through on-chain transactions, ensuring transparency and immutability. The Topics Registry is updated to reflect the new topic owner.

To facilitate smooth topic transfers, escrow mechanisms or smart contracts can be employed to handle payment and ownership transfer conditions.

Last updated